Who We Are
Meet the Attorneys Behind Riverside NW Law Group.
Riverside NW Law Group prosecutes and defends the interests of individuals and businesses involved in employment, class action, USERRA, real property, business, probate and estate, landlord-tenant, and general civil litigation.
With backgrounds that include (i) clerkships in the U.S. Circuit Courts of Appeal, U.S. District Courts, State Supreme Court, and Courts of Appeals for Washington, (ii) service in the U.S. Marines and Army Rangers, and (iii) multi-million-dollar verdicts, Riverside's attorneys are equipped and ready to litigate your case to trial, handle your appeals, represent you in arbitrations and mediations, and negotiate favorable, cost-effective settlements for you.
Our Team
Max Archer
Tel: (509) 504-8714 | Email: mka@rnwlg.com
Casey Bruner
Tel: (509) 952-8182 | Email: cmb@rnwlg.com
Matthew Crotty
Tel: (509) 850 - 7011 | Email: mzc@rnwlg.com
Katie Daniel
Tel: (509) 294-1634 | Email: kld@rnwlg.com
Asti Gallina
Tel: (509) 592-0108 | Email: amg@rnwlg.com
Lindsay Kornegay
Tel: (509) 606-1902 | Email: lmk@rnwlg.com
Michael Love
Tel: (509) 212- 1668 | Email: mbl@rnwlg.com
Sawyer Margett
Tel: (425) 299 - 8330 | Email: srm@rnwlg.com
Matthew Mensik
Tel: (206) 949-3540 | Email: mam@rnwlg.com
Erica Roberts
Tel: (509) 606-2428 | Email: emr@rnwlg.com
Brennan Schreibman
Tel: (509) 606-2653 | Email: bjs@rnwlg.com
Kacy Tellessen
Tel: (509) 251 - 2901 | Email: kot@rnwlg.com
Our Mission
We strive to help clients identify and achieve their goals by providing sound, cost-effective legal advice and by displaying superior skill in the courtroom and at trial.
Core Values
Whether you are a plaintiff or a defendant, litigation is a significant investment of time, emotion, energy, and money. Riverside NW Law Group is committed to helping its clients achieve their goals in the most cost-effective, solution-oriented manner possible. Frequently, this requires creative strategic thinking and decision-making. Riverside possesses the breadth of legal knowledge and experience to identify and execute creative solutions for our clients' most difficult and complex problems.
With a team comprised of proven trial attorneys, veterans, and federal law clerks, RNWLG is unrelenting and fearless in its pursuit of its clients' goals. Time and time again, RNWLG's attorneys demonstrate that they possess the knowledge, critical thinking, and courtroom prowess necessary to overcome the most complex of cases and the most difficult of opposition.
Listening is the most important part of a lawyer's job. RNWLG's attorneys are committed to communicating with their clients in an empathetic, responsive, and attentive manner. Open and honest communication between a lawyer and a client is critical to achieving success in litigation. This only happens if the client trusts his or her attorney will listen and understand. Riverside is committed to doing so.
A New Firm, With Familiar Faces
Riverside NW Law Group is a team of six trial lawyers who were united first by their fierce, creative, and attentive approach to litigation and, later, by their friendship.
Formed in 2022, RNWLG is new on the scene in name only. Each founding attorney spent years practicing at Spokane-based, mid-size law firms, and, together, RNWLG's founders offer over 60 years of success litigating and trying cases throughout the Pacific Northwest.
Since joining forces, RNWLG's attorneys have continued to achieve successful results for their clients. Now, however, they do so with the support and insight of their friends and partners, who offer a wealth of knowledge unique to federal district and circuit court clerks (Asti Gallina; Casey Bruner); U.S. Marine and Army Ranger veterans (Matthew Mensik; Matthew Crotty); and seasoned trial attorneys with numerous, multi-million-dollar trial verdicts and other favorable results at jury and bench trials (Matthew Crotty; Michael Love; Casey Bruner; Asti Gallina; Matthew Mensik).
Thus, if you are seeking representation in matters of employment, USERRA, real property, landlord-tenant, trust and estates, contract, trade secrets, business, or other commercial instances, call Riverside NW Law Group, and you will be greeted by a team of lawyers committed to helping you achieve your goals in a cost-effective, attentive, and responsive manner.